The exact, car specific 68 and later IBM build cards were stored haphazardly in a rented warehouse in Hamtramck, near Dodge Main.

How were these "IBM" cards printed?

I thought that computer information was entered and that information was stored within the computer then a command was given to the computer to print stored/entered information. Not only IBM cards were needed to be printed but broadcast sheets to specific areas of the plant(s) (engine, transmission, body in white, upholstery, paint, axle plant, etc., etc.,) and all of the information was STORED in some kind of computer recognizable format such as magnetic tape. So what happened to the printed paper documentation from the stored computer information is only a small part of what was lost or missing, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE IBM COMPUTER STORED INFORMATION (tapes)??

BTW This is an actual photo of the computer room at Lynch Road Assembly Plant during the 60's and there is no paper documentation in sight. Edit: Sorry there's a printer on a shelf above the data entry person sitting at the desk scope.....looks like a broadcast sheet printer wink

Last edited by A12; 12/08/20 01:21 AM.