I would suggest meeting with a dietician or nutritionist. What you eat is important, but so is when you eat it. For example, your metabolism slows down when you sleep. You need to fire it up when you wake up. Eating a breakfast that includes lean protein is the way to do so. You also have to make sure you get sufficient protein during the day, and sufficient fiber as well. Cut out any sweetened drinks, too. This has been a universal truth among everyone I know who has had and maintained a significant weight loss/health improvement...eat your calories, don't drink them.

Exercise is important. Get your heart rate up. Sweat. Be uncomfortable. That's where the improvements are. A casual stroll around the block is better than sitting on the couch, but it's not going to help anyone lose weight. Also, do strength training. You don't have to be a power lifter or bodybuilder to benefit from strength training. You can get a great strength training workout done in under an hour. I enjoy group classes, like my boxing class. It's a hard class, but we feed off of the energy in the room. We push each other. For example, the heavyset woman behind me in my picture talks trash the entire class. laugh2 We'll finish a round, and she'll look over at me and say, "You HAVE to have more than that, son." It's a lot of fun, and it makes the class easier. No matter what forms of exercise you do, don't worry about what you can't do. Focus on what you CAN do. I guarantee you that if you go to a class, or go to a gym to lift, and you are working hard, no one there is paying any attention to how fast you are, how much weight you lift, etc. We respect the fact that you're there to begin with.

No matter what exercise you do, you cannot out train a bad diet.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.