Originally Posted by Stanton
Donald Trump says the virus is no be deal so it must be true. Get back to work.

Agreed!....everyone should be working no excuses, I've seen nothing but standard full time work with mandatory OT, no cease in orders or supplying vendors/supplies...my employer is actually paying double time for all overtime to keep up with the demand here in the States and overseas.... I'm in the contact industry, we make electrical contacts for every piece of equipment humans take for granted on a daily basis to light/power your planet and equipment

As far as any daily shortages, just the panic stricken scamdemic sh!tters still sucking up all the toilet paper, other than that no noticeable supply shortages for essential daily living here, building materials are plentiful as is home building currently, lots of developments going up at record pace, restaurants are trying their best to stay in business, scamdemic lockdowns/curfews are pretty much ignored/nor enforced around here....