Originally Posted by stumpy
You leave the food out and he will stick around.

We usually only put the food out when the cats sit at the window letting us know they're hungry and they usually finish off what we put out while they are there.

Usually it's a possum or racoon that we find out there looking for food..
We had a determined racoon that wanted to clean out the bird feeder on a 6 foot pole.
Shooting him with a pellet gun didn't phase him, he destroyed two bird feeders.
He'd rip the plastic top off to get at the bird seed.
It took putting one of the anti-squirrel rings on the pole below the feeder to get him to stop.

The skunk must have found enough crumbs to get a meal.

Tapping on the door glass didn't phase him, he seemed oblivious to me watching him.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol