Originally Posted by RamblerMan
I've been single for well over 15 years now. Bein' honest, I do miss the companionship sometimes, but I certainly don't miss the rest of the sizzling hot mess that comes along with it. Did anybody ever watch that really well done TV series out of the UK called "Humans"? It was set in the not-so-distant future and had fully autonomous live-in androids. If we could reach that sort of technology where they can cook, clean, feed the cat, mow the lawn, do the shopping and laundry AND I can plow it?

Sign me up!

Don't care what it costs. It's probably still cheaper than a wedding, living with the cow for ten years, and the divorce.

Reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode where the guy is sentenced to be imprisoned on another planet. He gets a visit from a supply rocket several times a year, & one time they bring him a robot woman who he falls in love with. GREAT episode!!

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified