I’m 64 years old now and from the time I was five years old to probably around 17 years old we spend two weeks around the 4th of July with friends at Myrtle Beach South Carolina. We lived to swim in the ocean riding the waves in on rafts or walking out to the sand bars out 80-100 yards from the beach. One time a Sting Ray came flying out of the water slapping back down on the surface. That moved us in towards the beach like right now. That was about our last time out that far. Ocean city Md has a way different type of beach and lifeguards are calling you back in way before that. The nearby fishing pier has shark night twice a week for the fishermen. After Jaws I’m happy about knee deep or less. Lol. Any deeper than that the Jaws song starts playing in my head. The migration of White Sharks has really changed over the years now that Seals are protected in the upper States. Tagged sharks are tracked on their trip between Massachusetts and Florida.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time