

i remember back in highschool my car used to run out of gas with plenty in the tank,then by a miricle it would start right back up.

yeah me too

It' a proven fact that several minutes of rocking the vehicle will cause the fuel to settle more firmly around the pickup, thus enabling the engine to start.

I have dual tanks on my truck, and can vouch for air leaks being a pain. The selector valve didn't seal properly to the rear tank, creating a mix from both tanks. Until the rear tank (never filled often) ran dry and allowed air into the system.
That was a booger to track down. Air will flow much easier than fuel, so if adding gas to the tank doesn't cure the problem, I would agree that you have a pinhole somewhere in the fuel line.

I want to die like my Grampa, peacefully, in his sleep. Not screaming in terror like his passengers.