I contacted Metro. even spoke with them today about this. Had a 2nd customer complain about the flocking peeling off near one of the ends. My contact at Metro said he would pass that info on to their QC guy.

I haven't had any complaints before so hoping this is a new issue but as a reseller not sure how to address it? Do I return 40 sets and hope they dont just send them back as "a new batch"? Do I open every bag and try to damage them to check - what a gigantic waste of time that would be to make $2? Personally I thing I'd just get the plain ones. On E bodies the 70 cars got flocked then 71-74 ONLY got the plain rubber ones. Think they did that for cost savings. On the A & B bodies I have never been able to nail down why/when they go flocked over plain. Again I'd just go with plain. In fact I may just sell the plain ones. I definitely dont want to sell a problematic product and there is no margin in them to have to do QC on my end.

PS I'm curious how these are installed too.

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