Originally Posted by Mr T2U
Originally Posted by stumpy
My biggest complaint is that I won't be able to do much of anything for 9 months to a year. They split the breast bone and it takes that long for it to heal. That's going to drive me crazy.

the service writer where i work had a emergency quadruple bypass last fall. he was back at work full time 4 months later.

i wish you the best. hope everything works out for you.

Agreed, everyone "heals" differently on their own bodies time schedule, I remember after my heart surgery I was told at least 6 months before I would be allowed to return to any kind of work, not even allowed "light duty"... but being bull headed, old school and not being able to afford the down time, plus taught that a body in motion stays in motion, I forged my own Dr's note to return to work after spending 2+weeks in the hospital, that was enough relaxation for me...lol! I would have loved 6 months off, but that wasn't in the cards for me.... but it does take several months or more for your chest to heal depending on the procedure(s)

Stump, you'll be fine, at your age (75 IIRC) enjoy the down time, good luck and don't worry you'll be yourself in no time
