Originally Posted by Rhinodart
Originally Posted by jcc
Bottom line, nobody gives a crap whether anybody else feels "normal" attending Carlisle and not wearing a mask vs the usefulness of those feeling not "normal". Only person that does, is oneself. Typical "its all about me" sign of the times. Excluding the even hint of humility that one feels "normal" they might just be very lucky or asymptomatic, not overlooking the fact we are approaching in the US nearly 150,000 dead. Carlisle must be a real fountain of health, not one reported headache, sore back, fever, cough, sore throat in the whole bunch. Wonder if the reporting of not "normal" here is a similar timeline to member "Feets" disclosing his COVID diagnosis awhile back?

Remember in the early days of the Covid they said that heat would kill the virus, it was brutal on Thursday in Carlisle so it must have all died, of course they walked back on that not too long after they said it. There is no concrete definition of this virus, and if there was then they would just re-engineer it... work

Regarding "they", freedom of speech applies, we best choose wisely who the "they"'s are we listen to. And living in Florida, that "heat" thing stunk from the get go.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.