Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
The WV code says you can register them but the plates have to be inspected and approved. Now here is where it gets a little weird. A vehicle with antique plates can only be used for parades, events, on weekends and for transportation to and from said events or for repairs and road tests, these vehicles don't require an annual inspection. However if you are using vintage plates of the year of manufacture you can use the vehicle for general transportation but the vehicle has to be inspected and you have to pay the regular vehicle registration price.

Well that's stupid and now ya made me go look it up in PA. Looks like you have to title it as classic or antique to be eligible to display the vintage tag and they'll accept a picture of the tag for inspection purposes. They also have a nifty on line tool for checking to see if the tag number is currently in use but not sure how likely that is. The regs for vehicle use with antique tags also include the big gaping loop hole of "occasional transportation" and I've been driving through that one for years.

Being as far out in the sticks as your are, I'd get the antique tags for the cost / hassle reduction and not worry about getting pulled over and asked where yer going. A) how often do ya really see a cop B) like he really cares if you're headed to a car show C) Yes officer, just out testing whatever recent repair.