

You can record up to 9 hrs of data. Not sure what Marc may have been refering too. But the ZT-2 box is a datalogger

So you don't need a laptop computer in the car to record? Just to download the file?

I have been using my LM-1 for years, and I have had no problems. From the forums, they do need some attention to wiring hook-up. I have a hardwire with inline fuse rather than using the cig socket. A proper ground too.

Everyone should realize that AFR will vary with rpm, so a recording of that is the best way to tune. So I like to study the graph after a run. It would be nice to have a realtime gauge for driving around and rough tuning too. For street tuning, a throttle position sensor would be helpful.

what size fuse did you use? I just hard wired my lm1 in after finding out how loose my cigaratte socket was (the ground was intermittant and was messing with the voltage to the unit).

right now, i am straight to the accessory feed on the fuse block but i want to put a fuse in there for protection.