
I have a FAST and a LM1 with the RPM module, I have had troubles with both systems. I did upgrade the LM1 to the LC1 to get dual readings off of both sides of the motor on the same session, I haven't installed that portion yet, shame on me I like the LM1 better, it is way easier to read once you download the session onto a laptop

ive had some problems with the LM-1. This was an older unit purchased off Ebay and im borrowing it. It doesnt read RPMs correctly with rpm converter. its connected to the tach output on my mallory hyfire box with my tach and the tach reads right.

Lst weekend at the track, i was logging data during the runs and a few times it disconnected itself in the middle of the run so i got nothing i could use.

My idle mixture is also VERY noisy looking with big dramatic changes in afr. that may be a grounding problem. I want to hard wire the power and ground into the fuese box instead of using the cig lighter (might work better)