Originally Posted by Stanton
I agree, I think $1000 is fair. What's shop rate these days ... at least $90 an hour I think

If I dropped off a car with the hood installed and wanted the hood repainted to color match the existing color, yes, $1000 is reasonable. If I had the hood prepped, took the hood only to a shop and wanted the hood repainted, didn't care about an exact match, then $1000 is excessive. All depends what you want. Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer here but if you have never painted anything before, have none of the equipment necessary, have no one to help you that has some experience, and this is the only thing you will ever paint in your life....spend the money. It only hurts once.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".