Originally Posted by pittsburghracer

If you need 3 or 4 time trials you are a test n tuner not a racer. I write down weather conditions on every pass I make because at some of the big money races you get one time trial on Friday and then race for 20,000.00 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Next week it may be 40,000.00 dollars

Well, I may have been thinking that, but didn't want to get off topic. If you race regularly, you should be able to get one hit and go. Everybody is in the same boat. It wasn't unusual for us to get 1 or maybe 2 hits on Thursday, then it starts raining, and you're maybe Sunday or Monday for 1st round.

The faster these cars get, the more the per lap price goes up. Guys aren't down there joyriding like the "old days". Elmer has regular Friday night TnTs, TnT on race day, plenty of opportunity to make laps. Most Super Pro guys and the serious footbrakers are there to race.

Back on topic...call the County Commisioners, Tourism people. I think most of this is in the county's hands and Elmer has not had any help from the health officer or any of the people at the county level. I've lived there so I'm not surprised. Call. Email. It's Memorial Day. Time to get this going.

Last edited by CMcAllister; 05/20/20 02:25 PM.

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