Originally Posted by ZIPPY
That's messed up.

He really should get it.

If NY is anything like Michigan (messed up similarly at all).....this happened to me once, I got 2 checks and then was cut off for no reason, and then about 3 years later they sent me several months worth all in one shot. And they didn't say why they sent it or what it was for, so it was just mystery money from the state. It took me awhile to figure it out.

Maybe that will happen to him too.

Eventually he will likely get back checks.... I know PA is still getting caught up.
It took a few weeks, but my brother in law finally got an extra check for the week they initially missed.
He actually got the $600 from the Feds, before the 1st PA UC check showed up.

For now he's happily making about $100 more total PA+FED then he makes working.
But he's bored & ready to go back... apparently fishing every day for a month gets old. laugh2 whistling