good points ! i just didn't want to weld on my new stainless tank.
there is no room [at least i don't think there is] to weld in a 1/2" return on the sending unit, so i'll be thinking on another location.
this is down the road a piece. i have the forward radiator/ac condenser mount finalized and done, so the next item on the list is frame connectors.
then motor/transmission removal, underhood restoration, new engine/transmission combo, fuel system, exhaust, etc.
man, i hope i can get this done THIS year !
it's been TOO long since i've had a toy to play with. always fixing other's stuff. [now working on a very good friend's wiring issues on his tractor]
also, [decorative] garden work for my lovely bride. [hard to believe it's been 41yrs we have been together !]