Originally Posted by Demon340GSS
I found this informatiom usefull as I run the long discontinued # 31390 Milodon rear sump A body oil pan that has the crossover tube for the tie rod to pass through. These used a rear drop down ( straight down ) oil pickup that attatches to the bottom of the oil pump. It also used a deep rotor kit that is no longer available!!!
It has been frustrating constantly searching for parts to keep it all going.
I like the looks of the Kevko pickups and wonder if they will work with my pan?
If any of you members have the deep rotor kit or the pan I use I am willing to buy....
Grant Eaton

It has been awhile. But I seem to remember that long rotor set was used in a high volume Hemi pump or some other application. They went into a high volume housing, stuck out a quarter inch and used an aluminum cover made to fit them - made by Milodon I think. When they dried up, the only way to get them was spend the money for that pump and rob them out of it. I'll bet they re still being made and put into something. I wouldn't be afraid of modifying a stock pump housing for the right stuff if you could locate something.

Seems the choices are getting to be cobble something together, go with the Titan pump or go to a dry sump.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.