My mixture of rubbing alcohol, food grade glycerine and aloe gel from our organic plants we grow in my opinion is better than anything on the shelf. I make it because I have sensitivities to some of the smells used in the commercial stuff. I'm planning to mix some up with high quality liquid lanolin so it's not so hard on the hands.
RE: smoking (tobacco, pot, vape, etc) Diminished lung capacity from smoking, or even environmental contaminants from work, household chemicals and even poor air quality will have a detrimental effect on anyone contracting the virus that attacks one's lungs. I've often wondered if the high death rates in some countries is due to their air quality (environmental, smoking, smoke from cooking/heating fuels) and it's effect on their lungs.
Regardless, substantial anmount of humans have no ability to resist the virus and it continues to run rampant through our world.