it is great to see all this interest from suppliers .
However like a lot I might choose to believe it when I actually see it . I think also that people may have to accept a limited choice of block style . Whilst there is demand , there may be more limited demand for the too far from stock architecture , so if only RB mega/world style just be happy for that . At least in iron .
Glad I lucked onto a NIB World block here in Oz . I might have paid through the nose but I did get it


New best ET 10.259@129.65 .
New best MPH 130.32
Finally fitted a solid cam,
stepped it up a bit more
3690lbs through the mufflers
New World block 3780lbs 10.278@130.80 . Wowser 10.253@130.24 footbraking from 1500rpm
Power by Tex's Automotive