Interesting profiling on the 1850 rod big end - I wonder what effect that has on oil leaving the bearing if any at all. I really wish they would show some real data from the lab to back up the big claims - its pretty easy to test rods on a universal to failure.

The little slip on the product presenter (PC term for sales person these days at trade shows) - is somewhat explained in the whole quote “The rods will be a little stiffer on the big end, because of the strength of the material. The housings will stay a little bit rounder and will maintain shape better, longer.” Most people do not understand the term stiffness when discussing metallurgy.

As far as carbon fiber rods - I was told just the opposite - they tend to be a little too elastic with oil temperature change - thus making it more difficult to keep the oil clearance needed to keep the bearing from becoming unhappy with the crank. However in 20+ years since that - there has been significant improvement in the arena of resins and how they construct the fibers. A couple of the NASCAR teams experimented with CF rods just for qualifying when they were allowed to do that and most went the titanium route.