Hey CompSyn .... you speak well of the product ... just like anyone who has their hands in-the-profit pie of Amsoil sales.

How about a person like myself ....... that is just SKEPTICAL of the whole Amsoil "deal" ?

SKEPTICAL .... of just WHERE do all the combustion by-products go during the 25,000 miles that this oil is being used. Does this oil have some way to "magically" make these by-products disappear?

SKEPTICAL ..... that these sales people are just not up-front with everyone on WHY these Amsoil products are so expensive. SIMPLY .. because it is a multi-level-marketing program that it HAS to be that way ... because so many people in this pyramind have to make a profit.

Doublely SKEPTICAL .... since lots of these Amsoil advertising claims CLAIM that their product is so much better than the competition. Yet no independent proof is ever supplied.

And NO .... I am not talking about the infomercial like Prolong ....when they had Al Unser driving a Viper around a race-track with NO OIL in the motor at all. And then after an hour or so ... saying the motor was fine.

Well .... enough from me for now ... I have been up since 6am yesterday ....time to hit-the-hay .... but I will be-back.