Originally Posted by Tig
I think you can bracket race anything. You got to cut a light, know your vehicle and run your own race. Knowing your car comes from experience and not changing the combo in an effort to go quicker (like I do smirk ) If you're serious about it keeping data is key. The best bracket racers run the same combo year in year out and leaving last gives you the first foul advantage. twocents

No more 1st foul advantage at any track using True-Start. You certainly can Bracket just about anything that runs well, My opinion is that there will be an advantage to being the faster car. A) It’s much easier to judge the race when it’s all in front of you; and B) the faster car has more options once the cars are even at the big end. With that said, the biggest advantage will always lie with the guy that left on time and is on his number.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120