



What i've found from talking to guys at the track and other events is,they're are guys that have tti's and those that wish they had them

That's a great joke.

But, don't quit your day job!

Joke,thats a fact...ask anyone who owns them,and they did an excellent job on my 520h.p. smallblock

A fact in your mind only.

I own them and they are nice, but not right or anywhere close to the best for some of the engines I've had. So your statement on it's face is absolutely incorrect saying racer that didn't, wish they had them. I know people that wouldn't run tti headers if they were given to them because they are flat wrong for the intended use.

I'd run dougs before running tti headers because they fit the same, great quality and up to $200+ less expensive. That's an alternative that people tend to forget. Have both dougs and tti, dougs from now on in my SB a bodies.

must be sam's persnal assistant or something.

Geez,you sound just like that guy Crackedback over on F.A.B.O....