I guess I am superstitious, but if I ever needed it, I bring it. Lots of times my buddies helped me with a tool or spare part, so If I borrowed it I bring it now. My superstition is if you have it you won't need it, so if you have everything nothing will ever break. I will give you one example of my luck. Sitting in the staging lanes and I notice one slick is losing air, so go get a air tank and get it back to the pits. Pull off the tire and its got a small nail in it. I run tubes, and a buddy has a new racing tube, Take the slick into town and no tire shop will break the bead on the slick so I can install the new tube, they claim to much liability because it's a race car? Finally one of the workers overrides his boss and breaks the slick down, so I can fix my car. So now I have a harbor freight tire changer in my trailer, have never had another flat. I do draw the line, many years ago I had a swarm of bees land on my car and cover about half of it, I managed to get in it and drive to the tracks maintenance shed and wash them off with a hose, by the time I had gotten back, the car two spaces down had them on his car. The track actually called a bee keeper to remove the bees. I never did buy a bee suit to put in the trailer.