So, I finally got a chance to fiddle with my heap. The first thing I did was check the voltage. It was at 11.83V, having been only given a short recharge after we go back from the track. At that voltage, it fires in less than one turn of the crank. smile. At a 900-1000 rpm idle, with only the fuel pump running, voltage was 12.79. Now, grounds had been mentioned, so I decided to start there. The alternator and the MSD were grounded to the engine, at the 3/8 bolt hole at the front of the head. I decided to move the grounds down to the bolts that hold the motor plate to the frame. Now, my voltage is 13.32 at the more normal 750 rpm idle. The voltage now drops to about 12.7 when I turn on the fan, and 12.3 when I add the water pump. I'm going to give the battery a full charge and re-test tomorrow, but it seems that the core issue was the ground, although the charging situation is admittedly soft. When I test my alternator output, do I test the voltage or the amperage, and what setting do I use on my multimeter?