
Following John's advice posted previously squared my junk away. Beware too, the Lokar cable will stretch and you'll need to tighten it up 2-3 times before it's done. I'd hold off on doing anything fancy with the cable terminations until the stretching is done. I removed the cable from the housing and trimmed and tinned the ends after the initial install as my inner A&P demanded, only to have to do it again on one end after a year or so.

If you'd rather swap parts than do fab work, Bouchillon will sell you their kickdown lever, spring and related hardware from their cable kit separately. When I got a look at the price though, I got the setup sorted out with hardware from my copious stash, a drill and a few trips to Home Depot for springs to trial and error until I got a tension that didn't increase the pressure needed to operate the throttle. I can't imagine using the Bouchillon pieces would have saved me any time, except with the spring(s), or which I ended up buying 4 or 5 before I found one I liked.