I had this very appreciated info from Member dayclona in my inbox but for some reason it is gone I don't get on here much or the internet for that matter poor car had nothing done to it for 4 months life's like that I guess anyway I have all the parts how hard is it to wind those Springs I got to do this next weekend cuz the car has to be moved and want it finished just want somebody who has done it to give a little bit of a detailed instruction I assume that wound tight enough to keep them open for the default position and vacuum pulls them shut ??I'm not a hundred percent for sure hoping for a little bit of advice here I feel bad it didn't get done when Dayclona send me the info but it was out of my hands at the time next weekend I'll have three days to get the car finished because of personal time constraints and the owner is taking it to Talladega in October hell or high water thanks for any help