Originally Posted by CMcAllister
Track dude needed to take control of the situation. Get the guy out of the car and away from it. Get the fire taken care of. Instead he acts like a dick and no one else steps up to deal with it. He is the #1 jackass in the situation. Track owner/manager needs to get him off the property fast, before he gets the whole operation sued.

Face full of fire extinguisher would make you co-defendant.
The track personnel have one job in this situation , and it has nothing to do with personalities , language , tax bracket of the car owner or misunderstandings.
The car would not shut off apparently.
A fire hose to the air intake would rectify that in a hurry.
But when an emergency situation occurs , safety is now on the front burner.
That track worker should find a new hobby.
And I did that for neigh on a decade in staging and on the line.
There is not enough money involved to call it a job , but you can still behave like a professional.