rickseeman -No there is no spring in the lower hose. Just orrdered one used on the early small block Mustangs. 1 5/8 X 13" long $6 plus $9 shipping. Found correct one from internet search, used by other Mopar owners.

CMcAllister- Performed test and everything work freely, both distributors perform perfectly.

CONCLUSION-I found information for installing the light springs. It states by installing both springs, total timing is achieved at 1200 rpm. With the crossram intake idle is at 1100 rpm. So full advance is at idle on this motor with distributor using both light springs.. No further advance possible. On the other distributor with the heavy springs. Upon taking apart I found the spring on one end has a long eyelet. The springs are longer than the slots in the advance mechanism. So the distributor is at full anvance at startup. The weights are fully opened without making spring contact. So I believe the reason for no advance has been established for both distributors. Now can address issue for correct springs and timing advance.

Thanks for all suggestions from Moparts members.