Originally Posted by Leigh
Don't psyche yourself out. Buy NHRATV for one weekend. Look at the reaction times. They are all over the board. SG and SC are better, but lot's of winning packages are pretty soft. There will always be people who can be pretty sharp, but not always. If you can consistently package.025, you'll win a ton of rounds.
For the doubting Thomas's, read this actual reaction time study.

Reaction Time Study

Leigh is correct, there are a lot of really good, consistant racers, but even at high dollar races, there are a LOT of "less than stellar" runs that win rounds. You have to remember, you don't have to whip the whole field of cars, just be better than the one beside you now. Its kinda like the cat that climbs the tree. Cats climb trees all the time, but the only ones you ever hear about is the ones that the fire dept has to climb up and bring down. Just like the racers, you don't hear about the .050 packages, but EVERYBODY hears about the .000 packages!
A few years ago,I was racing in two classes at Bristol (also 2 days ,Sat & Sun, total of 4 races). In those 4 races, there were 4 packages that were .010 or better, and I had 2 of them, but one of the other 2 was against me when I had one of mine.(me .005 dead .004, him .000 dead .006). I left there that weekend with a semi-final finnish to show for it. Some days its rough out there!