Well, have narrowed it down. My nephew came over Friday afternoon, we pulled the tranny. Still locked up. Pulled the damper, timing cover water pump. Everything was clean and good. Still locked up. Had this old man up till 10:00 with parts and tools scattered all over the shop. Bob suggested I pull the valve train. T&D set up, which made it easier. Saturday, took right side first. Still locked up!!!!! Took off left side, Walla, freed motor up. Pulled all the lifters, #7 one lifter had a small ding in it. Everything else looked perfect. Still haven't found the culprit that was rattling. Will pull the left side head off Monday. Today being Sunday will attend Sunday school and Church services. And pray that God will direct and guide me to his Glory.
Many thanks to my nephew Bob. I enjoyed having him here we did some serious bench racing too.