Originally Posted by busboy
Also, the same carpet kit is about $60 more if you look at ACC direct order pricing.

Possibility you have "2nds"...aka line rejects/old ACC stock? IDK? (Dorset is the newest owner of ACC for the last 5-6 years IIRC)? sold off to vendors at discount prices?

I usually order directly from ACC, either a custom color, or in high cut pile or 80/20 along with Mass Backing, this way I'm usually assured of getting a freshly made carpet, rather than "old stock" that may be laying around

If you've already cut it, generally you own it, regardless...

If you've just placed it in place, I'd send Legendary the pics and request a replacement/refund...

I'll assume your going with a bench 4 spd set up? so you need the carpet to fit the hump contours...you do have a "factory" hump under that carpet correct?
