Originally Posted By KillerBee
Is anyone making a good fitting repop Challenger shaker trim ring?

I'll assume you have an original hood? ...the AMD Challenger ring is the nicest/closest original looking one out there on the market compared to the others, but fit is going to be a 50/50 shot, might want to also consider the one Resto Rick (if he still carries it?) has as well, but IIRC the mounting studs are exposed (drilled/tapped) thru the top surface and will need to be addressed, the SnoBar/Shakerhood.com ring is the same last I seen, the AMD studs are cast into the ring, I think whomever's ring you buy the fit will be compromised by either size opening gap/stud layout and or contours... personally your better off buying an AMD hood complete, or looking for an original ring if fitting it to an original hood, pick your poison?
