Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
I feel for you guys suffering with the winter weather. Cant say I miss it a lot. But on the bright side you have time to work on your cars, something we dont get as much of out here. We get a month or two here or there but to be 100% honest I kind of miss having to time to make changes and improvements without missing races.

As for the car thanks for the compliments. It is still a work in progress with some issues we really need to address. Namely the camshaft, but think I am gonna run it this year and order new pistons and a cam at years end. May as well give it some compression too.

Whitedart, Yeah I am not their favorite guy out there it seems. If I can just keep it green. Lobbying now for instant green. Kinda challenging their manhood so to speak. No one has beat me to the other end yet, but I did go -.002 red and -.009 red. Cant push the damn button any harder my darn thumb was still hurting yesterday from trying to bend the steering wheel over.

Al...what button are you using?

5.53 @ 125 1/8th on the launch control..more left in her!