Originally Posted By Supercuda
So many people claim that their brakes worked fine without a combination valve.

If the brakes actually did work fine the factory would not have put them in.

There is a reason for them and the FSM does a decent job of explaining why.
The residual valves are suppose to hold 10+ Lbs. of line pressure on all 4 wheel drum brakes is not needed on disc brakes, hence the factory removing them from the factory disc brake master cylinders scope
No residual pressure on the disc brakes will extend brake puck life and slightly increase your fuel mileage also, not a bunch though tsk Maybe .2 to .5 MPG scope
The idea of any car maker using parts not needed, like proportioning valves, is ridiculous down haha
you need to correct those items and enjoy the results twocents up scope

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)