Today's work included: no lunch and

Pulling the plugs #6 was white on one side all the others were black.

Got half way thu the compression check when the needle stopped moving on my gauge. Had to fix that so Im not sure if the numbers are I got are accurate.

On the second go around the #6 was 20 lbs lower.

So I then took a flat head screwdriver and poked at the weeping freeze plug. It easily went tru causing a hole.

With that I decided to pull the motor with the transmission attached.

I cut out the catalytic converter. The core was tight on the motor side but was loose on the rear end side. It will be replaced.

With the radiator out. I was able to get the engine and transmission out with the hood on. By myself. I don't think it will be going back in that way. Shelby must have removed the core support. I guess I could do that but I'm running out of space to parts.

Next week end I'll find time to remove the heads.