Methanol can run really rich without penalty (about 250% of gas volume, jetting accuracy need not be spot on, will run well near 5:1), most corrosive (can't leave fuel in the car), most power, tolerates high static and dynamic CR. Doesn't like to start cold, needs big pump, lines, regulator, filter etc. Very hygroscopic - every time the container is opened, air containing water vapor enters. Always use the smallest container you have. I've heard of using an inflatable bladder to fill the air space, but material?
It eats aluminum, brass, Buna-n, calcium, copper, galvanized steel, lead, magnesium, neoprene, Nitrile, plastics, Plexiglas, potassium, rubber, shellac, varnish, zinc, and many paints.
How about using CO2 or Argon (I think Nitrogen still has some water vapor?) to expel meth from the container?
You may get away with a smaller (lighter, weight off the nose) radiator.
Alcohol flames are nearly invisible, be sure your car has warnings for the safety crew.

Boffin Emeritus