It may pull the Duster someday. Not looking to go nuts. Keep my fuel mileage. When it was running I was pulling a steady 21.7mpg cruising at 62mph back and forth to Nashville. At 65-67 on a trip coming out of Florida once I got 26.7mpg.

I had a leak up out of the pump from the first day I bought it in 2007. I won't idle, and now needs a "shot" to start. I have't had it on the road for 6 years.

I have about $800 saved up. I am moving towards building a house and need a truck. Needs a battery and 6 tires + alignment. A big ass money pit. My neighbor has a '92 sitting in his back yard that runs like a top. He will never drive it, and it will rot into the ground. He is a horder and will never sell it. I love to have it to part it out.

"The only thing to do for triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"