Originally Posted By 383man
Originally Posted By 67SATisfaction
And don't store an OEM A/C clutch fan horizontally... at least not one for a 1965... keep it vertical or the fluid will leak out. DAMHIK.
- Art

Funny thing but I was also taught by my auto shop teacher in high school to always keep the thermal clutch fan in the vertical position just as it is installed on the car. We were also taught it will leak if not and I also believe I read it in a Mopar manual sometime over the 24 plus years I worked at a Dodge dealer. Will it leak if you lay it down ?? I don't know because I usually sit them in the same position as on the car only because I was taught that in 1972 in auto shop. Am I right ?? Good question but I can say they never leaked on me. smile Ron

I remember have read on one or more of the clutches instructions sheets or packages I have bought about storage it horizontally. On the original package perspective is laying up or down, not the axis.

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela