Its a shame we don't live closer and I don't still work at the dealer. The Mopar scanner will tell the tech what caused the cruise to cut out the last time it cut off. That right there would point me in the right direction if I was diagnosing it. That would take me about 2 minutes to see on the scanner we used at the dealer. A good tech with a good scanner should be able to find what caused the problem without much trouble. The cruise is worked by the PCM on your vehicle as the PCM monitors the switches and then works the servo to make the cruise set. You can also check the brake switch and all the cruise switches in a few minutes with the right scanner. I loved electrical work and did all the big electrical jobs at my dealer. Most techs thought I was nuts because most techs don't like electrical work but I loved it. Wish I could do more for you but I cant diagnose over the internet I can only guess this way. Ron