Man I’ve seen some weirdball redneck add-one over the years but that dead fish pistol grip takes the cake. Is there no end to the goofy things people will do?

Lots of good thoughts here I won’t repeat. When the lower rear windshield corners rust, it can mess up the package tray where it attaches to the Dutchman panel. Some people do a hack job there and replace the Dutchman but not the package tray. Get in that trunk. On a Roadrunner, you want to check the VIN against the fender tag against the door sticker against the core support. So many parts interchange with other B’s. Is it a real Roadrunner? The footwells are famous for rot if it’s a northern car or if the heater core leaked.

The reverse valve body is no big deal and most aftermarket cable shifters can adapt, but if you want a stock shifter, it’s gotta go. It’s likely a manual VB too and it’s doubtful the little lady wants to bang gears in traffic. Easy fix. The real beast will be hunting down the shifter linkage. You can replace the shifter mechanism with reproduction parts but the linkage you’ll have to dig for, and the stuff under the floor is tough to find. It not only connects to the trans but to the steering column and is a one year affair.

Fuse panel is in the glove box behind a panel. Check it out, that’s a factory AC car. See what’s missing. The wiring can all be bought new. It’s the least of your worries.
68-70 B’s were the best mopars ever made. Enjoy.

I’m listening.