With the magnet dead even with a tooth the rotor should be at the CW edge of the cap terminal or even a bit "inward" from that CW "edge" cuz Rotor Phasing from vac adv & only vac adv will shift it back CCW (on a SB). The cap terminal is .214" wide & the rotor blade is .244" wide so you have a fair amt of leeway there. Also there is the radial distance between the rotor blade tip & the cap terminals & those 2 "air distances" add up together & if that total distance is greater than what the voltage can jump then it will miss. there is a longer rotor available (or make your own) but if the circumferential RP distance (around the arc) is good then you are likely fine. decades ago my mentor from the early 60's had a pontiac (iirc) & it would not go past a certain speed (not sure if it was missing or not) just a family car & they scoped the ign & no issue & he finally got so frustrated that he was gonna blow it up! so he revved it high under the hood & THEN he saw it, the FUEL FILTER was going almost dry/mostly clogged! New filter=all good!

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth