Originally Posted By skicker
I have only ever seen a plastic "bushing"...
Never a bearing...but my 70 is power steering...
I recently had to build a column for the Duster that we switched from power steering to manual...The bottom half of both steering shafts were identical...The top half of the PS column was shorter.
I'd imagine that also applies to B Bodies...heck they may all be the same for that matter...
The splined couplers are different but the shaft itself was the same...At least on an A Body...

The pic is not great but it shows how far my column sticks out past the firewall and rough length of the exposed tube...

I believe you know what you’re talking about, my confusion came from when my bearing came off (it was a completely wrong bearing screwed into the shift lever.). I obviously ordered a “correct” one from year one. Im assuming you guys know what im talking about, this came with two screws. I thought this had to be wrong but somewhere in the manual theres a pic of the cover tube going over the shift lever (with a gap for it to move) and it showed the bearing fitting in there. If anyone knows what im talking about please explain.