Originally Posted By Dilbert
Set the hood down on a pair of 2x4x4 blocks with a hole for the hood pin in the centre of the 4 inch side.

Place a towel of 2 layers over the infected area.

Set a clean big block cylinder head on towel and leave it for at least 5 days.

Repeat if necessary.

This method worked on the bow in my AAR hood. Only other thing that I did was Took the car for a ride first to get the hood hot from the engine heat on a hot 90 degree day and used a 2x6 under the head on top of the towel. Put it in the garage with the head on it for a week and the bow was almost completely gone. I lived with that bow for 26 years before I tried this. Should have done it earler. Its been almost a year and the bow has not come back yet.

Give it a try what is the worst that can happen, you might have to rework the hood anyway?
And It does'nt cost you anything to try.