They do not make more HP--they do not do a thing except make leak down test look great OK they do keep alky engines that just get the bores "slobbered" with excess fuel from diluting the oil so bad but on a normal engine you are crazy to spend all that extra money for nothing!!! Plain Crazy to do so
WHY?? I build hundreds of engines as fast as I can bolt them together --have for decades--and when I was near a dyno every day those rings proved NOTHING or we would be using them----Ok Mahle has a new 1.0mm, 1.0mm, 2.0 mm ring package that makes more HP --OK......That is IF you guys can get those rings in the bore without ruining a set then having to order another set at great cost and the so what?? You gain a few HP??? Who cares??? Use an old 1/6th. 3/16th package and it will run for decades and is easy to install and cheap and if you need 3-7HP that bad you have built the wrong combo to start with

The Mahle rings are very difficult to install correctly even for us that do it every day you have to PAY ATTENTION and a tapered ring funnel is a MUST the you have to watch the oil film up and down the bore to make sure you have not screwed one up--"sometimes" engine builders do not need that kind of obstacle at home so the Mahle package is not a positive IMO for average Joe at home It gives them a selling point OK? It gives the once in a while builder a Headache

Gapless rings are sold with BS Hype--that is mostly not true and you wind up paying $275 for a set of rings where a std set at $55 will do just fine

You run an alky drag engine say with a Hilborn or blower well then they help you save your oil for two or three more rounds --I run one I know that is a big plus but that is the best thing these rings do

Gapless rings make a leak down test look like a winner but at 8200 RPM they don't make one more HP IMO and based on dyno runs I saw for years in week after week testing

Snap out of it