Last week I put a set of new shoes on my work truck. Had a flat and it was unrepairable, as I was putting the spare on I noticed that 4 of the 5 tires I had on the trick were from the factory. 98k miles ago. Not quite to the wear bars but close enough that a new set made sense. That's 98k miles of high speed highway (80+), caliche roads, dirt tracks, city streets, oil patch trais, etc. Same tires are on my wife's truck as well.

A but more expensive than some, but great tires all around. I don't know about snow though, not too much of that around here but this past February I was going through Flagstaff to Vegas and well, they closed the highway right after I got thru. I did put it in 4wd because steering was vague in 2wd. Other than that is went thru just fine.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.