Originally Posted By 6bblFLASH
Race only.
It's an old,probably 15 years old Mopar Performance 324/620 solid.
I think the LSA is 106 not sure?

It is on a 106 LSA I saw a direct dyno comparison between the Mp .590 and the Mp .620 on a 440 around the same comp as your stroker. The .620 made Less power then the .590 until about 6200 RPM, even with that the .620 only made about 5hp more then the .590 but only for a few hundred rpm. from 6200 RPM and below the .590 was the clear winner.

Your stroker isn't That big and your comp is fairly low for a cam that size. Go ahead and try it since you have it, but it will be a dog with you combo IMO I still have the dyno sheets somewhere, if I can find them , I will post them for you. you wont see me Ever using that cam.