But Cab was right and you were wrong! You identified the PULLEY as "Description: Forged balancer with a forged crank pulley, all bolts line up"

The second picture showed the same forged crank balancer with in your description, a "cast crank pulley".

The point that Cab has repeatedly tried to make is there is no such thing as a "cast crank" or "forged crank" pulley.

There are pulleys and balancers made before the switchover date, and pulleys and balancers made after the switchover date.

Yes you can remedy the situation with a rattail file, no one argues that. But the pulley you are modifying was either made before or after the switchover date and that determines whether it has an offset hole or not.

Really, the only person to whom it would matter is a rabid restorer. But there are so many lies, errors and half-truths flying around the Mopar world that some of us try to snag them and hope to get them out of circulation.
