eople saying "it's not my fault, I only blew the light and hit the other car because I slid on ice". I can understand this when it's a case of black ice on a a mostly dry roadway, but not during blizzards or ice storms. People don't seem to understand the idea that it's your responsibility to adjust your speed in accordance to the weather conditions, your vehicle's abilities and your driving skill

This is actually a common argument in TX and Southeastern states after a snow or ice storm, and guess what? It actually holds up. I've seen police reports written that no one was at fault because of the road conditions. It's total garbage, and it screws the people that weren't actually at fault. In these cases, it's not because lawyers said so (well, I guess it is, since most of the state representatives are lawyers), it's the general population in that area being to wussified to admit that they can't drive, and public officials not wanting to hurt the feelings of those that vote for them.

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